24 September 2008

This is the the kitchen and it's sooo delicious.

So the John and I are moving to the place attached to this kitchen, above and below, starting Nov. 1. I have been quelling little attacks of "I don't know about this" (the place being nicey-nice and making me feel fairly domestic and all) with the simple, solemn fact that we're renting it for nine simple months from a fresh, young couple that have decided to rent after not being able to sell the place for a while. I figure that nine months is long enough to survive winter/enjoy summer and to cull a little interior design habit whilst enjoying an aesthetically-pleasing livin' 'n workin' space. I also figure that it's short enough to not feel too tied down to [insert random anxiety-maker here.] In the end, the place is really lovely, full of character(s?), in mah current neighborhood, and has tomato plants outside along the walk. It feels as if things are boding bon.