11 February 2016

---> February 14th <---

Because Valentines Day is coming up, I answered these 14 questions about my other half:

1. Where did you meet your other half? At a New Year's Eve party, 2006 turning into 2007.  I was wearing a frilly white top and he was the only guy that was trying to get people to proper-dance, and thought I was cute :)

2. If you're married, when did you say "I do"? Sept. 6, 2015

3. What song did you walk down the aisle to? "Avril 14th" by Aphex Twin

4. Do you have any children yet? Just Holmes (his/our 16 year old cat) and Toby (our 5-ish year old bassador doggie that we adopted about 3 years ago). Right now we are annoyingly, naively really excited to get pregnant and have BABIES.

5. What's your favorite thing about your other half? His kind, goofy heart and fresh/sometimes off-kilter outlook. The fact that he's a feminist. Tight buns.  Okay, there's a few.

6. Were you and your other half high school sweethearts? Naw (thank God, we probably wouldn't be together now).

7. Where was your first date? Welllll...we kinda were friends for a few years before we started dating, but looking back on the times we were "just hanging out" the two of us going to the movies (Swedish version of "Let the Right One In") or going to get me a record player at Hymies, or sunning in the park across the street from his apartment on Aldrich, I think they were actually like being on dates.  Then we had a bunch of drinks and had our first kiss at The Country Bar to the smell of fried chicken and some guy loudly singing karaoke...and the rest is history. In the making.

8. How long were you dating before you said "I love you"? Oh man, I don't know, but we say it obsessively now.

9. How long were you dating your other half before he/she proposed? Welp - he did after 2.5 years? Then I did around 4.5/5.  As one does.

10. Where is your favorite place you have traveled with your other half? Big Sur, California

11. How do you and your other half usually spend Valentines Day? At home, eating and enjoying each other and giving cute presents.

12. What does your favorite 'date night' consist of? Taking time to get ready and then going to a sweet din or getting into some hijinks around the city together.  Or going to the YWCA or a museum together on the weekend. Or going to see a movie and sneaking a jack-and-coke in.

13. What is the best gift you have received from your other half? Omg, when he bought me replacement diamond earrings for the ones that I lost tubing, for our wedding weekend.  That, or new socks/underwear, or that World B. Free Cavs jersey, or when he made me a 30th birthday PowerPoint set to "Ooh La La" by Faces...he's really good at presents. Any CD mix of ever.

14. Thing your partner does/says that makes you laugh, in a good way? When he gives voice to our dog's dopey internal monologue.

10 February 2016


Legit spoken word usually makes me uncomfortable (along the same lines of most acapella) but the phrase "We are the granddaughters of the witches they forgot to burn" is too amazing.  Inspiring my advocate, feminista self all over again.