23 July 2013

Licaudo Hipster Dreamz

Made this/these yesterday, on my day off, alongside doing a bunch of soul-nourishing organizing of paper piles and junk drawers.  Interspersed with taking Toby out to play in the yard, talking to Halle and my mom on the phone, and playing with my new iPhone.  It's the little things, peeps.

The jar is mint water (basically mint tea: a packed handful of fresh mint, boil in two cups of water, once it boils take it off the stove, let it cool with the leaves still in it, drain), the glass is full of licuado aka batido aka refreshing mexican milkshake (1 cup coconut milk + 1 cup mint water + two handfuls of frozen rasberries + couple teaspoons of agave + a spin in the blender), and the cute industrial planter contains a "chick and hens" succulent from Tim's mom.  So sweet.  Also, the leftover mint water makes a deLIGHTful addition to cocktails - I did tequila and white grapefruit juice with lots of ice and topped it with the mint water.  Luuush.